Dallas Dance 2008
Names and group photos of contest winners
And here are the photos by day and category...
Thursday Photos
Mario and Gary's Seminar and Social Dancing afterwards...
Friday Photos
Novice Traditional
N.A.S.D.E. Showcase
Miscellaneous photos
Saturday Photos
J & J Afternoon Prelims - Misc. Competitor Photos
Afternoon Social Dancing & Misc. Photos
Female Pro Am
Male Pro Am
N.A.S.D.E. Classic
Presentations & Hall of Fame Inductees
Sunday Photos
Jack & Jill Finals - Novice
Jack & Jill Finals - Intermediate
Jack & Jill Finals - Advanced
Strictly Swing - Novice
Strictly Swing - Intermediate/Advanced
Strictly Swing - Masters
Lori & Jack
Strictly Swing - Champions Prelims
Strictly Swing - Champions
Swing Teams
Jack & Jill - Invitational
Tribute to Truman
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