Dallas Dance 2004

Labor Day Weekend
Dallas, Texas

Artwork by Martha Watson

Photos of the winners
  1. Invitational Jack & Jill
  2. Champions Strictly Swing
  3. Masters Strictly Swing
  4. Masters Routines
  5. Novice Traditional
  6. Cabaret
  7. Male Pro Am
  8. Female Pro Am
  9. Classic
  10. Showcase
  11. Social Dance Awards

Photos of the contestants taken after their performance

  1. Masters Strictly Swing
  2. Female Pro Am
  3. Classic (NASDE)
  4. Novice Traditional
  5. Masters
  6. Novice Jack & Jill
  7. Open Strictly Swing
  8. Male Pro Am
  9. Showcase (NASDE)
  10. Advanced Jack & Jill
  11. Novice Strictly Swing
  12. Advanced Jack & Jill

The Workshops

  1. Tatianna Mollman & Jordan Frisbee
  2. Matt Auclair
  3. Sarah Vann Drake & Kyle Redd
  4. Deborah Szekely & Robert Cordoba
  5. Heavy & Barbara
  6. Debbie & Angel Figueroa
  7. Parker Dearborn & Jessica Cox
  8. Sarah showing off at the workshops
  9. The guy in the bathrobe at the workshops

Miscellaneous photos of Dallas Dance

  1. An artistic photo of Michaele
  2. Neon Dancers
  3. Heavy & Barbara
  4. Terri & Tom Tidwell
  5. Terri Tidwell & James Leyva
  6. Carol & Terri
  7. Nancy & Bill
  8. Sam and Nancy
  9. Tony & Elizabeth
  10. Carol and Sara having a good time
  11. Carol, Ron and Sara
  12. A beautiful photo of Gail
  13. Don Duncan & Lori Hayner
  14. Don & Dani
  15. Don & Dani just before they perform
  16. Don & Carol
  17. Matt and partner right after a competition
  18. Carol beside the photo gallery
  19. Judy Wooten & James Leyva
  20. Rippa explaining the finer points of dance to Terry Lockwood
  21. TRose & Deborah
  22. And again
  23. Terri and Gary
  24. Dawn, Sara & Lisa
  25. Barry receiving his prize
  26. Jeanette & Scott
  27. Paula
  28. Richard Ware & Judy Wooten
  29. TRose & Judy
  30. Need caption help
  31. Scott, Susu & friend
  32. Susu & Scott
  33. Blake Hobby & John Festa
  34. A great photo of competitors getting ready
  35. The ladies behind the scenes
  36. Angel & Lindy Greer
  37. Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollman
  38. A good laugh between friends
  39. A job well done
  40. Parker Deerborn & Jessica Cox
  41. Again, a happy performance
  42. Tony & Alicia
  43. Sarah posing for the camera
  44. Cher Peadon, Adel Husband, & Rachel Sturdy
  45. Lucy, Debbie & Debbie
  46. Some out of towners enjoying the dance
  47. Lisa and Terri
  48. Terry presenting the Big Painting
  49. The Ballroom
  50. The Ballroom again
  51. Reserved for competitors
  52. Reserved for Judy
  53. The DJ Victor Loveira
  54. The prizes
  55. Nettie

More neon stuff

  1. The competitors
  2. Heavy & Barbara
  3. Very Renoir
  4. The prizes
  5. The ballroom
  6. TRose and Deborah
  7. Another view of "The Painting"
  8. Deborah S.
  9. Sarah's Workshop
  10. Note the painting in the corner


Caption Help - Send me better captions if you got 'em