poem was written by 8 year old Jed Sendejas, third grader from the Houston Texas
area ![]() ![]() ( With a lot help from Dad ) |
Case for Santa Claus I'm in the third grade and I'm too old, it's said, to believe in Santa and his reindeer and sled. They say we won't see Rudolph rest in our yards and that no North Pole elves make the Pokemon cards. Even my dad put Santa Clause down, while he drank his eggnog and watched Charlie Brown. He's seen the same show ever since he was three, where Charlie picks out that poor, puny tree. "There's no such fellow as Santa, my son!" Dad said while he watched the same lame rerun. Well, Dad, and you others, you're sadly mistaken. Santa Clause is quite real, so there's no need for fakin'. No need to hide presents in a closet in the hall, Or take me to see some old guy at the mall. Santa Claus is a feeling and a feeling is real~ when you're feeling happy, Santa is what you feel. He's real and resides right where everything starts. Not at the North Pole, but right here in our hearts. by Jed Sendejas.... age 8 No Pokemon were injured in the production of this site. All rights reserved by Jed's Poem factory. 1999 |